

We offer a rich selection of customizable trainings to help teachers gain the skills and knowledge necessary to implement the year-round Living Curriculum model within their own classrooms.

Introductory Training – 2HR (Online)

Our Introductory Training for the Garden of Eatin’ Living Curriculum is an engaging session designed to provide you with an overview of our gardent-based edible learning program, highlighting the key components, support materials, support specialist services, and online portal access available to you.

View Sample Agenda

Sample Agenda: Introduction to the Garden of Eatin’
Part One: Introduction/Overview/Interest Poll/Share Out
Part Two: Hands-on guided exploration of the GOE tote
Part Three: GOE Portal/GOE Website
Part Four: Q&A/Next Steps/Survey

Curriculum Workshop – 7HR (Online)

During this online comprehensive training workshop, we will delve into the GOE curriculum overview, exploring the various modules and lessons that make up our comprehensive garden education program. We will discuss how each module aligns with educational benchmarks, ensuring a seamless integration into your existing curriculum. Throughout the training, we highly encourage your active participation and engagement using breakout sessions and hands-on interactive activities (materials and supplies arranged ahead of training) We have allocated dedicated time for questions and answers to seek further information about specific aspects of the curriculum or its implementation.

View Sample Agenda

Sample Agenda: Garden of Eatin’ Curriculum Training Workshop (Zoom)
Part One: Inspirational Opening/Introduction/Interest Poll/Pair Share
Part Two: GOE Hands-on Activity/Share Out
Part Three: GOE Movement/Song
Part Four: Team Hands-on guided GOE Tote Exploration/Reflection
Part Five: Guided Break Out Sessions/Planning & Program Intergration & MIYO
Part Six: GOE Portal/GOE Website Interactive Demonstration
Part Seven: GOE Garden/Nature Activity
Part Eight: Q&A/Reflection/Next Steps/Survey

Seasonal Workshop – Series of 4 (Online)

Our series of Seasonal Garden Educational Workshops tprovide four engaging online sessions throughout the year, each one focusing on a different season and its unique opportunities for garden-based edible learning.

These 90-minute workshops are designed to provide you with a comprehensive seasonal overview and how it can be integrated into your educational program. Whether you're a teacher, homeschooling parent, or community educator, these workshops will equip you with the tools and resources needed to create an enriching garden curriculum tailored to your geographic location and designated climate zone.

The heart of each workshop lies in the lesson plans and activities tailored to the season and your unique location. Our curriculum experts have carefully curated a range of engaging and hands-on experiences that align with educational standards and promote interdisciplinary learning. From seed planting and garden maintenance to harvesting and cooking explorations, these activities will immerse children in the wonders of each season and foster a deeper understanding of the food system.

Curriculum Workshop – 7HR (In Person)

Our popular Curriculum Training Workshop is also available In Person at your site or one of ours for an additional cost for those who prefer an immersive and hands-on learning experience. Over the course of seven hours, we will delve into the world of garden-based education, fostering collaborative planning, engaging breakout sessions for teaching teams and provide a comprehensive overview of the support resources available through our online portal.

This training is designed to empower teaching teams with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully implement developmentally appropriate garden curriculum in your educational setting. Through a combination of interactive sessions, group activities, and practical demonstrations, we will guide you through the curriculum's core concepts, strategies meeting learning benchmarks.

View Sample Agenda

Sample Agenda: Garden of Eatin’ Curriculum Training Workshop (In Person)
Part One: Inspirational Opening/Introduction/Interest Poll/Pair Share
Part Two: GOE Hands-on Activity/Reflection/Share Out
Part Three: GOE Movement/Song Indoor/Outdoor
Part Four: Team Hands-on guided GOE Tote Exploration/Team Reflection
Group Lunch
Part Five: Team Hands-on Guided Planning/Program Intergration & MIYO
Part Six: Hands-On GOE Portal/GOE Website/Resource Support
GOE Snack
Part Seven: GOE Outdoor Garden/Nature Activity
Part Eight: Q&A/Reflection/Next Steps/Survey

Our trainings deliver interactive content and expert perspectives to help you and your fellow teachers implement a program or advance your current skills. Contact our Garden of Eatin’ professional staff today to see how we can help grow your program.
